06 June 2010

Page. Turner.

Suspenseful. Intriguing. Disturbing.
And, I absolutely could not put it down. I finished it this morning and this afternoon I went to Target and bought the second book in the Millennium Trilogy series, The Girl Who Played with Fire. Hopefully, tonight I will begin my second read of the summer.

Thanks for the recommendation, Jen! And, I hope my Book Club girls are just as captivated. Can't wait to discuss it on the 18th! xoxox


  1. Heath - I have been so nervous if you will like this book. It is pretty strange so I get nervous recommending it, but I COULD NOT put it down. If you liked the first one you will LOVE the second one. It is crazy!! Lots of questions get answered. The third book just came out and I am hoping to get it tomorrow. #2 is really a cliff hanger!!

  2. I'll have to get this! I've been looking for a new book!
