24 July 2008

Loves and Kisses

It's 8:00 pm and we're finishing up our bedtime routine, a little late tonight. Books have been read. Prayers have been said. And hugs and kisses have been given. Our little miss is peacefully tucked into bed and I turn to leave. As I shut out the light, I hear a little voice,

"More kiss, Mommy."

I quickly (and gladly) turn around and pick-up Olivia for more kisses, very dramatically given with a big "muahs" at the end of each one. And a big bear hug to finish it off.

When I lay her back down and tuck her in, I say, "I love you, monkey."

And she says, "Lub you, Mommy."

Oh, how I love this little girl. And, she loves me too!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it the best when they say it first? I love that! Right now I can hear Riley giggling in his bed while Steve is attempting to put him down to sleep. He knows he can get away with more silliness with daddy than he can with me! It's just too irresistible! As long as he keeps talking, Steve will keep answering, and he knows it :)
