14 September 2008

Broncos vs. Chargers ~ 39-38

At home before the game ~ Bronco Girls! As Olivia says, "Go Broncos! Yucky Chargers!"
What a beautiful day at Mile High! And, in the end, the Broncos came away with the win after a blown call by Ed Hochuli, my favorite ref even before this game, and a Bronco TD followed by a two-point conversion. It was so intense that Patti and I couldn't even watch while Jas sat there in disbelief!
We went to the game with a whole crew, but unfortunately we weren't all able to sit together. Thanks for a fun day football day, friends ~ Tara, John, Erin, Doug, Stacy, Patti and Michele! And, thanks to Cindy, Patti's daughter, for watching Olivia while we were at the game!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah but your Broncos won by cheating and then they lost to the Chiefs....
